Are Women Emotionally Equipped for Polygamy?

Uncategorized Jul 21, 2024

The results from our recent Women's Polygamy Readiness Assessment shed light on the Emotional IQ category, revealing that a majority of participants scored themselves as Not the Best when it comes to managing emotions and handling tough situations.


This is a crucial aspect to consider, especially in the context of a polygynous relationship where emotions can run high and conflicts may arise.


It is essential for individuals to be able to stay positive and motivated during tough...

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Jealousy in Polygamy Pt. 1

Uncategorized Jul 14, 2024

Salaam/Peace, it’s Coach Fatimah here.


In this blog post, I want to tackle a question that comes up often in discussions about polygyny: How do you handle and manage jealousy?


Jealousy is a natural emotion that everyone experiences, but it’s especially relevant in polygynous marriages. I’ll share my personal experiences and insights on managing jealousy in a healthy and constructive way.


 Understanding Your Unique Relationship


First and...

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Part 3: The True Essence of Polygyny: More WIVES MORE SEX

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2024

Part 3: Overcoming Common Challenges in Polygyny


Welcome back to our series on the true essence of polygyny. In the previous parts, we explored the deeper aspects of polygyny and practical tips for managing a polygynous household. Today, we’ll tackle some common challenges faced in polygyny and offer strategies for overcoming them. Let’s dive in.


Dealing with External Judgment


One of the significant challenges in polygyny is dealing with external judgment....

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Part 2: The True Essence of Polygyny: More WIVES MORE SEX

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2024

Part 2: Practical Aspects of Managing a Polygynous Household


Welcome back! In Part 1, we discussed the deeper aspects of polygyny, including emotional presence, financial responsibilities, and effective communication. Today, we’ll delve into the practical aspects of managing a polygynous household. This includes time management, dealing with jealousy, and building a supportive community. Let’s get started.


Time Management in Polygyny


Time management is crucial...

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The True Essence of Polygyny: More WIVES MORE SEX

#coachfatimah Jun 23, 2024

Part 1: Understanding the Depth of Polygyny


Hey there, it’s Coach Fatimah here. Today, I want to dive into a topic that's close to my heart and often misunderstood—polygyny. Many people think it's just about a man collecting wives for physical gratification, but that couldn't be further from the truth. In this post, I’ll share the deeper aspects of polygyny, clear up some common misconceptions, and highlight what truly makes a polygynous marriage successful and...

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Poly Myths: Does the Husband Only Benefit from Polygyny?


In the matter of all relationships, there are plenty of myths behind them. Take polygyny for example. Many think of it "dysfunctional" or "unfair" for all parties involved, that it's just the "legal way" to cheat, and one of the most popular of them all is that it's a way for women to enter into a marriage and be a 'homewrecker'.

All in all, today's society deems it as dysfunctional. In this video Coaches Nyla, Nazir, and Fatimah give their insight on the misconceptions...

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Fictional Drama vs. Real Life Drama


Have you ever stopped to consider the impact that the media you consume has on your daily life and relationships? It's a commonly held belief that our thoughts and actions are influenced by the things we focus on, and this can also be true of the programs we watch and the things we listen to. In fact, it's possible that we may be unconsciously manifesting real drama in our personal relationships through the fictional drama we absorb. In this video, I delve deeper into this...

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Is My Husband Destined For Failure?

Have you ever put your husband onto a pedestal before and as soon as he makes a mistake, you mentally deem him as a failure? In this video, I explain the importance of getting rid of this mentality and how it can potentially destroy your marriage. Let us know in the comments more topics that you would like for us to discuss, we appreciate hearing from you!

~Coach Fatimah

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Buss 'em Open: Poly Myths


In the matter of all relationships, there are plenty of myths behind them. Take polygyny for example. Many think of it "dysfunctional" or "unfair" for all parties involved, that it's just the "legal way" to cheat, and one of the most popular of them all is that it's a way for women to enter into a marriage and be a 'homewrecker'.

All in all, today's society deems it as dysfunctional. In this video Coaches Nyla, Nazir, and Fatimah give their insight on the misconceptions...

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Polygyny: Your Co-Wife is a H*e?!


Polygyny of course, comes with a multitude of challenges, such as: jealousy, assumptions, frustration, hurt feelings, trust issues and confusion.  Character assassination is yet just another one of those challenges to say the very least. You may be asking yourself, "Why is this an issue with co-wives?"  Unfortunately, one of the main reasons is, many people like to hurl accusations, assumptions and insults about a co-wife and her past because it makes them feel...

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