I want to share some thoughts on something that often gets overlooked in polygyny: the thoughts and worries running through your mind when you think about your husband being intimate with another wife.
In a polygynous marriage, each wife has her own separate, sacred relationship with the husband. That’s normal. But yes, it can still sting when you imagine him spending intimate time with someone else, especially if you...
Salaam/Peace everyone, it’s Coach Nyla.
Today, I want to share some reflections on why I chose polygyny and address some common questions and misconceptions. Polygyny is often misunderstood, and I hope my insights can shed some light on its beauty and benefits.
When people ask me why I would want to marry an already married man or choose polygyny, my first knee-jerk reaction is to say, "Because I wanted to!", and "I’m grown." But there's much more to it.
Have you ever stopped to consider the impact that the media you consume has on your daily life and relationships? It's a commonly held belief that our thoughts and actions are influenced by the things we focus on, and this can also be true of the programs we watch and the things we listen to. In fact, it's possible that we may be unconsciously manifesting real drama in our personal relationships through the fictional drama we absorb. In this video, I delve deeper into this...
Have you ever put your husband onto a pedestal before and as soon as he makes a mistake, you mentally deem him as a failure? In this video, I explain the importance of getting rid of this mentality and how it can potentially destroy your marriage. Let us know in the comments more topics that you would like for us to discuss, we appreciate hearing from you!
~Coach Fatimah
Are you feeling the love today? Or are you feeling obligated to stay in a relationship that just doesn't give you that warm, fuzzy feeling anymore? Well, you're in the right place because I'm here to share some wisdom on the topic!
First off, let's talk about the difference between a marriage of love and support versus one of obligation. It's simple really - in a marriage of love and support, you and your partner are there for each other through thick and thin because you...
Today, I want to talk about something that's near and dear to my heart: celebrating yourself. Yes, you read that right. Celebrating yourself is not only important but also essential for personal growth and development.
I know what you're thinking. "Coach Fatimah, isn't that a bit narcissistic?" But hear me out. Celebrating yourself doesn't mean you have to be self-centered or conceited. It's about taking the time to appreciate the blessings in your life and being grateful for them.
Let's face...
Polygyny is a marital system in which one man has multiple wives. It has been practiced in various cultures throughout history, and is still common today. One question that often arises in the context of polygynous marriages is whether or not co-wives should discipline each other's children. This is a complex issue that requires careful consideration.
In this video on the topic, I offer my thoughts on this matter. First I would like to begin by noting that in polygynous marriages, there is...
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