Mentor vs. Coach: What's The Difference?

Many times in our lives we are going to face problems. Whether that be familial, financial, or otherwise; challenges are guaranteed within in our lifetime. However, when it becomes too much, who can you seek help from? Who can you turn to for guidance on how to solve these problems? In this video, I zero in on the importance of mentors & coaches, as well as facing difficulties.

Committed to helping you get your S.H.I.F.T. together,

Coach Nazir

P.S. - Be sure to connect with us on our...

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Establishing Family Traditions for a Better Family


Years ago I learned a philosophy that has served my family and I well. That philosophy is summed up in 3 words: 'Faith, Family, Finances'. This has served me by reminding me of priorities and things of which I must be aware. [Click here to watch Video]

I don't come from a privileged background where my family environment was mainly encouraging and nurturing, it was quite the opposite. Experiencing this as a boy caused me to form some rather strong ideas of what I'd like my...

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The Importance of Bonding with Your Spouse & What it Looks Like


As we continue on this theme of BONDING through the month of August it's only fitting that Outstanding Personal Relationships speak on bonding with your spouse. I mean, we are marriage coaches and yes, that includes polygyny, so what type of marriage and polygyny coaches would we be if we did not train on how to bond with your spouse? We did a video as well as a blog on bonding with your co-wife if you just so happen to practice polygyny and you can check that out HERE


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