Are You Killing Your Own Marriage?


Are you feeling the love today? Or are you feeling obligated to stay in a relationship that just doesn't give you that warm, fuzzy feeling anymore? Well, you're in the right place because I'm here to share some wisdom on the topic!

First off, let's talk about the difference between a marriage of love and support versus one of obligation. It's simple really - in a marriage of love and support, you and your partner are there for each other through thick and thin because you...

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Should My Co-Wife Discipline My Children?

Polygyny is a marital system in which one man has multiple wives. It has been practiced in various cultures throughout history, and is still common today. One question that often arises in the context of polygynous marriages is whether or not co-wives should discipline each other's children. This is a complex issue that requires careful consideration.

In this video on the topic, I offer my thoughts on this matter. First I would like to begin by noting that in polygynous marriages, there is...

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Relationship Lessons: When One Takes Their Own Life

Life can be unpredictable, and there are moments that can be incredibly challenging and difficult to navigate. However, these difficult moments often provide us with opportunities for growth and learning. In fact, some of the most profound lessons in life come from the hardest experiences. By staying open and looking for the lessons that these moments offer, we can find a new perspective on life that we may have never considered before.

One such moment of challenge and growth was experienced...

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