Mentor vs. Coach: What's The Difference?

Many times in our lives we are going to face problems. Whether that be familial, financial, or otherwise; challenges are guaranteed within in our lifetime. However, when it becomes too much, who can you seek help from? Who can you turn to for guidance on how to solve these problems? In this video, I zero in on the importance of mentors & coaches, as well as facing difficulties.

Committed to helping you get your S.H.I.F.T. together,

Coach Nazir

P.S. - Be sure to connect with us on our...

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Establishing Family Traditions for a Better Family


Years ago I learned a philosophy that has served my family and I well. That philosophy is summed up in 3 words: 'Faith, Family, Finances'. This has served me by reminding me of priorities and things of which I must be aware. [Click here to watch Video]

I don't come from a privileged background where my family environment was mainly encouraging and nurturing, it was quite the opposite. Experiencing this as a boy caused me to form some rather strong ideas of what I'd like my...

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Leadership and Polygyny... Why it's Vital for Marriage Success

hubby corner king talk Jan 18, 2021


When I speak with brothers, more often than not, I get asked, "if there was one things you'd suggest, just one, that would help me in my marriage(s), what would it be?" I usually answer with the same answer and reply, "increase your leadership skills." View the video here and let me know your thoughts.

Now it's not the same increase your iman (faith), learn patience, or focus on your wife's needs advice that they hear often. Though all 3 of those are important,...

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Dear wife, subsequent wife, my love...

A letter to a wife (second/subsequent) who is emotional and nervous about her heart, especially since more attention is usually directed to the first wife's emotional challenges.

Do you have our 5 Keys to a Fulfilling Marriage Guide? If not, download it here

Dear Beautiful Wife,

I want to write this to you because it's easier for me to express myself by writing versus speaking. I know you must be experiencing a plethora of emotions, some positive and some the opposite and I want you to know...

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Dear wife, only wife, first wife, my love...

Do you have our 5 Keys to a Fulfilling Marriage Guide? If not, download it here

A letter to a wife (first/only wife) who thinks her husband doesn't care about her feelings because of interest or engagement in polygyny.

Dear Beautiful Wife,

I wanted to write out some thoughts because sometimes it's easier for me to think about polygyny on paper when it's quiet and my emotions are calm.

You will always have the title of being the woman who first made me a husband. The woman who made me father....

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Love... can a man actually love more than one woman?

hubby corner Jun 09, 2019

As salaamu alaykum - Peace,

Unfortunately the term love has no one clear, concise, or absolute definition. There are innumerable poems about love and money spent throughout the ages in search of and sharing the stories of love are unfathomable. We speak of the love we have for our parents, our families, culture, family, God, and many other things however we feel uncertain on whether a man can love more than one woman he marries.

It’s only natural when raised in a society that shuns and...

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