Should My Co-Wife Discipline My Children?

Polygyny is a marital system in which one man has multiple wives. It has been practiced in various cultures throughout history, and is still common today. One question that often arises in the context of polygynous marriages is whether or not co-wives should discipline each other's children. This is a complex issue that requires careful consideration.

In this video on the topic, I offer my thoughts on this matter. First I would like to begin by noting that in polygynous marriages, there is...

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Dear wife, only wife, first wife, my love...

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A letter to a wife (first/only wife) who thinks her husband doesn't care about her feelings because of interest or engagement in polygyny.

Dear Beautiful Wife,

I wanted to write out some thoughts because sometimes it's easier for me to think about polygyny on paper when it's quiet and my emotions are calm.

You will always have the title of being the woman who first made me a husband. The woman who made me father....

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