Stop Bringing Losers into a Winning Brand

Uncategorized Nov 16, 2020


I know that the title of this blog may cause some discomfort to many however, we must address the serious issues that can plague a winning team and in this instance, by winning team, I mean family. I've seen many women get involved with and marry men who are just not the right fit for their brand. The women may not have been sure about it at first but as time moves forward, they realize that they are not a right fit. That is not where the issues lie though. They lie within the...

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What's your "brand" as a Co-wife?

Uncategorized Nov 09, 2020


Have you ever thought about what your brand is as a co-wife? Being in polygyny can have its challenges and triumphs. One of the major challenges is our perception of who we are vs who we need to become as co-wives. Personal development is an important factor when you want to transform into the best version of yourself that you can be.

It promotes positive thinking and helps facilitate the organization of your priorities as a woman and a co-wife.

In this video, I discuss my...

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Why did you get Married? And Other Questions to ask to Improve your Marriage

Uncategorized Nov 02, 2020


It's known that when you ask the right questions you will receive the right answers. When we are looking to improve on important parts of our lives we want to do the right things the right way, so asking the questions that can yield the results we desire is the first step in making that happen. I go into what some of those questions are and how to process the answers you may receive in this video. One of the questions I ask is, Why did I get married? This question allows us to...

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Personal Celebration & Gratitude

Uncategorized Oct 26, 2020

Salaam / Peace,

Celebrating yourself promotes the ability to take the time to be genuinely grateful for the blessings you have in your life. Of course, it isn't always easy to practice gratitude on a daily basis. However, it is a necessary element in order to reinforce personal development and growth! In this video, I reflect and discuss why it's important to celebrate yourself while showing gratitude.

Check out the video HERE!

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Celebrating Polygyny

Uncategorized Oct 20, 2020


Living in a society where monogamy seems to be the state of the world, this topic may be a little off putting to some. Why do I say that? Well, because being part of a polygynous marriage has opened me as well as my family up to judgment and ill comments from those who don't understand or want to understand this form of marriage that is family focused and has been around longer than monogamy. We have had our share of negativity, however, there are many families who we have been...

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Brunch & Bond Celebration!

Uncategorized Oct 12, 2020

Salaam / Peace,

Celebrating with family is important to us all. I wanted to share a special day in which our family hosted a brunch and bond event where we shared lots of laughs, fun, and memories to celebrate Coach Nyla's birthday!

Often times co-wives may think they can't celebrate one another or with one another for that matter; but we definitely can with a proper mindset! 

What are some ways you can celebrate with your co-wife? 

In this video, I share my story of celebrating...

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Celebrating my Co-wife and Meeting her Family

Uncategorized Oct 05, 2020

Salaam / Peace,

I have just celebrated my co-wife, Coach Nyla, and her birthday! I had also met and spoken to her family. For some it's difficult to think of a co-wife as a separate individual due to sharing the same husband.

However, as always; they are a person with their own personality and traits and there's much more to them than that! In this video I talk about my experience and the celebration we had for Coach Nyla.

Check out the video HERE!

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Podcast: Heart Softeners- Regaining Co-wife's Trust

Uncategorized Sep 24, 2020



Have you ever been in a relationship where something happened that broke your trust? Was there ever a time when you've broken someone's trust? We know that when it comes to trust, it can take a long time to build and a moment to break. That is why we must be true in being our best selves. Why? Because we attract who we are. If we are trustworthy, we will attract trustworthy people, if not...well, you know.

I'm not saying that we may not play the fool sometimes. By that, I...

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Clearing Out Spiritual / Mental Clutter

Uncategorized Sep 21, 2020


Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your mental clutter? And has it affected your spirituality? In this video, Coach Fatimah talks about her spiritual mental health journey and how "clearing out the spiritual and mental clutter" helped with her healing process. Just by adding some very critical practices in her daily routine.

- Rethinking your thinking and not assuming you have all the answers.
- Understanding that you cannot please everybody, so why try.
- Start to live life in the...

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Podcast: Prepping Children for Marriage

Uncategorized Sep 17, 2020


I know that this is an interesting topic for most, however as we are "pro morals" we felt we had to touch on the topic of prepping our children for marriage. In Islam, we don't do the "boyfriend/girlfriend" thing, and those who do are not practicing what Islam teaches.

Now marriage is a big commitment and there is no one way to build an outstanding one. However, there are tools and tips that we use and that we've learned to improve on our marriages to make them outstanding and...

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