I Help High Performers Who Desire to Practice Polygamy Develop Confidence, Clarity, & Courage without feeling Dismissed, Disrespected or Defeated with S.H.I.F.T. Coaching
Coach Nazir's S.H.I.F.T. Coaching Program for Professionals & High Performers
Limited spots are available per quarter. Submit an application if you desire exponential measurable progress in your life!
Polygyny? Business? Personal Fulfillment?
Move with speed and boldness!
Complete Application for SHIFT CoachingWhat Others Are Saying...
Asmar Townes
Author of 'Ready, Set Network', Founder of KCTownes.com, Public Speaker, and Millionaire Maker
Asiya Nasir
Author of 'Non-Profit Doesn't Mean NO Profit', Founder of J.E.S.S.I.C.A. Cares, and Non-Profit Consultant.
Mahdi Tidjani
Founder of 'The Mahdi Method', Author, and YouTube Influencer, and Power Facilitator
Yusef Chowdhury
Found of Online Business Owners Digital Agency, SEO Consultant who is empowering 1,000s of businesses to succeed online.
BOSS Business Consultation
Need to discuss business strategy, corporate structuring, negotiation, marketing/sales tactics, funnels, or leadership and team development, then book a BOSS session here.
Book One Hour B.O.S.S. Consultation with Coach Nazir
Want a Single, One-to-One Coaching Session?
Coach Nazir stands at the forefront of empowering high-achieving men to win at polygyny and professional success using his S.H.I.F.T. Coaching Method.
Perhaps you want to get clarity on your polygyny situation or want to discuss only one thing in detail or just aren't ready to commit to 12 sessions. No problem, book a One-time session with Coach Nazir here.
Book A Call With Coach NazirPerhaps you don't think you're ready yet.
We're all on different parts of our journey, complete the Polygyny Readiness Assessment to see where you stand.