Polygyny: Men Do For Self

Men have been conditioned to be strong, providers, and protectors. We've been told that showing emotions is a weakness and that we should always put our families first. But what happens when we neglect ourselves? What happens when we lose sight of our mission? We suffer, and when we suffer, our families suffer as well.

Death is the great equalizer, promised to all of us. But instead of fearing it, we should use it as motivation. Mortality is a reminder that our time here is limited, and we have a mission to fulfill. Thus, we must take care of ourselves to achieve that mission.

Self-care looks different for men than it does for women. We cannot merely take a bubble bath and call it a day. We need clarity, purpose, and a mission. We need to be physically strong, mentally sharp, and emotionally resilient.

I understand this, and in this video, I share why men's self-care is essential. I explain why we need to take care of ourselves to take care of our families. Self-care is not selfish; it's necessary to fulfill our mission, live our lives to the fullest, and leave a legacy we can be proud of.

So men, don't neglect yourselves. Take care of yourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. Use mortality as motivation to make the most of the time you have left. Remember, death is coming, but until it does, make the most of every moment.

-Coach Nazir

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