Let's Talk Polygamy UNCENSORED Ebook

Meet the Authors
Coach Nazir, Coach Fatimah, and Coach Nyla
For over 14 years, they have lived polygyny and thrived for 10 of those years. They now create educational videos that have captivated millions and attracted thousands of dedicated students.
Their proactive approach to polygyny and parenting includes world-schooling their children in multiple countries, enriching their family life within the polygynous dynamic.
Despite facing adversity, backlash, and numerous challenges, they've emerged victorious, becoming trailblazers in polygyny. This ancient form of marriage offers profound modern-day solutions, and they continue to lead the way, showing others how to integrate it successfully into their lives.
What Others Are Saying...
"I'm so happy I got this eBook! I haven't been able to find anything with an honest look fromĀ all anglesĀ in a polygamous family. I was struggling but while reading through my tears of sadness and joy, I'vr come to see a light that I never knew existed. Thank you so much OPR family! I am forever grateful and now have a path forward!"
Aaliyah Williams
"I had to accept to the fact that I didn't know what I was doing. I tried and failed at polygyny and was worried about what my family and others thought. I'm happy I was able to read Coach Nazir's story. And even get his wives insight. It filled in so many missing pieces and now I'm happy to say that I'm doing it right this time and my wives are happy." #myauthenticlife
Michael Freeman
"My family is grateful for all 3 Coaches! Coach Fatimah helped me learn about giving myself permission, Coach Nyla gave my insight to minding my marriage, and Coach Nazir showed me how much men have to go through. Whew! I love you all and now have a plan without feeling lost! Thank you so much. JazakAllahy khair!"
Umm Mohammed